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Controlling and Owning the Process of Advisory

Hear how building trust between your firm and clients is at the heart of any advisory process.

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Hear how building trust between your firm and clients is at the heart of any advisory process.

In this guide you'll learn

  • Why the client doesn't really know what they need
  • Why advice that your give to clients isn't necessarily the same advice you'd give yourself
  • Why discovery is so important and why it should be done before delivering services
  • Why knowledge is power and why this is your most valuable product

Preview what’s inside

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2_Controlling and Owning the Process of Advisory
3_Controlling and Owning the Process of Advisory


Jason founded Thriveal in 2010 as a way to help entrepreneurial CPA firm owners connect, learn, and grow. Thriveal has helped many small firms grow by providing a community, coaching services, webinars, firm consulting, monthly growth groups, and live events. Jason has also been the CEO and Visionary of his own firm for the past 20 years – BlumerCPAs.com